This scam uses Facebook to trick people into completing a survey. It starts with an interesting Facebook message like the ones below,
CLICK HERE to see the status udpate that got a girl expelled from school!!
OMG… This GIRL KILLED Herself After HER DAD Posted This ON Her WALL!
OMG! Look What this Kid did to his School after being Expelled! After this 11 year old child was expelled from his school he went beserk
Anyone curious enough to click on the link is taken to a page that “looks like” Facebook, but isn’t Facebook. Then two things happen:
- You’re asked to “Like” the page, which adds the scam to your own Facebook wall. This is how the scam spreads.
- You’re also asked to fill in a survey. This is how the scammer is making money. They’re being paid by a marketing company to fill in these surveys.
And that’s it. There’s no interesting video or article. It’s just a viral scam – it spreads because it sounds interesting.
So if you come across this, don’t click on the links, and let the person who posted it know about the scam.
Thanks to DBM for writing in and letting me know about it. I’m sure that by letting others know about scams we can all help reduce them.