Last night I set this website up to use FeedBurner. This is a more advanced way to send RSS feeds and as far as I’ve tested it works well. If you find any problems please let me know.
For those who don’t know, RSS is the technology behind a faster way to read websites such as FraudO. You set yourself up with a news reader and point it at all your favourite web sites. Then whenever something new appears on that website it shows you only the new parts. So instead of checking all your favourite sites each morning you get a real time display of what’s new in your world. It’s great.
If you haven’t used a news reader before head on over to and set yourself up. Then add a subscription to 🙂 There are hundreds of similar products, below are the more popular ones (they’re all FREE):
- If you use My Yahoo! then look at:
- If you have a Google account then use:
- Bloglines:
Microsoft’s Outlook is not free; many people already have this installed so I thought I’d mention it since it has a news reader built in:
The following article explains a lot more about RSS and news readers: . If you haven’t tried it yet I suggest you have a look today.