The email shown below is not from Adobe, it’s a fake. It has words that would get most people’s attention but the links in the email do not point to any real Adobe products. If you receive this email, delete it. Don’t click on the links.
The fake email looks like this:
Dear Customers,Adobe is pleased to announce new version upgrades for Adobe Acrobat 2010.http:// www.adobe-new-software.comAdvanced features include:– Collaborate across borders– Create rich, polished PDF files from any application that prints– Ensure visual fidelity– Encrypt and share PDF files more securely– Use the standard for document archival and exchangeTo upgrade and enhance your work productivity today, go to:http://www.adobe-new-software.comIf you have any question please contact us at: support@adobe-new-software.comBest regards,Michael LobenbergAdobe AcrobatCopy rights © Adobe Acrobat 2010 – All Rights ReservedWebsite: http:// www.adobe-new-software.comDear Customers, Adobe is pleased to announce new version upgrades for Adobe Acrobat 2010.
http:// Advanced features include:
– Collaborate across borders- Create rich, polished PDF files from any application that prints- Ensure visual fidelity- Encrypt and share PDF files more securely- Use the standard for document archival and exchange To upgrade and enhance your work productivity today, go to: If you have any question please contact us at: Best regards, Michael Lobenberg Adobe AcrobatCopy rights © Adobe Acrobat 2010 – All Rights Reserved Website: http://
Adobe does not send out emails like this. Acrobat Reader can update itself by showing a small window with update information (and you should update it as soon as updates are released). You should not have to visit a web site to download Acrobat updates.