The following email claims to be from Adobe and suggests to install a new version of Adobe Acrobat Reader. It’s fake. Adobe does not email people asking them to download and install new versions.
The email says:
This is to remind that a new version of Adobe Acrobat Reader 2011 with enhanced features for viewing, creating, editing, printing and internet-sharing PDF documents has been released.
To check and download the latest version , go to :
<link removed for security reasons>
Start downloading the update right now and let us know what you think about it.
We’re working on making Adobe Acrobat Reader better all the time !
Thanks and best regards,
Adobe Support
© 2011 Adobe Systems Incorporated. All rights reserved.
Adobe Systems Incorporated |343 Preston Street | Ottawa | ON | K1S 1N4 | Canada |
Remember, if you see this email just delete it, or mark it as spam.
Update: There’s now another version of this email, it too is a scam. The email looks like:
Adobe is pleased to announce that a new version of Acrobat PDF Reader was released today with new features, options and improvements.
<link removed for security>
What’s new in this version :
* Read, search, and share PDF files. * Convert to PDF. * Export and edit PDF files * Add rich media to PDF files * Combine files from multiple applications * Increase productivity and process consistency * Streamline document reviews * Collect data with fillable PDF forms * Protect PDF files and content * Comply with PDF and accessibility standards
To get more and upgrade to this version, go to :
<link removed for security>
Start downloading the update right now and let us know what you think about it.
We’re working on making Adobe Acrobat Reader better all the time !
Talk soon,
The people at Adobe
Copyright © 2011 Adobe Systems Incorporated. All rights reserved.
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